About the Blog

Thank you for coming to the John Friedman Financial Blog, and for your interest in what’s coursing through my thoughts these days.

This is the part of the site where I – and hopefully you – have some fun, while also smartening up. True, the comings and the goings, and the ins and the outs, and the ups and the downs and the inside-outs and the all-arounds of a person’s financial life amount to some seriously serious stuff, but, true also, that needn’t mean that the writings about these things should be the written equivalent of a musical dirge, does it? Why, come to think of it, that might even be a good reason, mightn’t it, to let the language and the thoughts have some levity and uplift, don’t’ch’ya think?

To introduce you to do the JFF Blog, then, please take a look at the following paragraphs.

What this blog is all about: helping you become ever smarter and more able in your financial life, while also providing a chuckle or two

I’ve been writing financial pieces since the ‘90s, when I was responsible for writing and publishing the E*TRADE Community Newsletter, and since then via the materials I’ve written for clients’ use during the work they do with me, and also via my own blog and group emails.

All along I’ve been doing my best to:

  • Help my readers become smarter and more able in their financial lives, and
  • Help them see that reading about the financial world can – believe it or not! – be a fun and entertaining thing to do.

In here, then, you’ll see short essays (plus the occasional long essay) about a very wide variety of topics, but all coming home to roost, in one way or another, with something that can help you smarten-up about some aspect of your financial life.

My promise to you in here is that, even when the piece you’re reading seems quite far removed from your every day financial world, that I will, by the end of the piece, bring it back to you and to your financial wellbeing. And hopefully somewhere along the way I’ll have succeeded at making you laugh out loud, or at least chortle.

So please do read something in here, won’t you? I think you’ll find the faire quite a ways removed from the stuffy, dry, laconic, boring, plodding, pedantic financial writing that one usually sees out there.

Sound good?

Hope so.