Looking at a couple of statements from your day-to-day checking account, I tell new clients in our first working meeting, is like looking at the lab results your doctor orders when you have a physical. Staring out from those pieces of paper [pdf files] are a bunch of numbers that […]
After yesterday’s post on violence, and a friend’s comment about it, how about we now feast on something compelling and uplifting? Yes: how about something more on the bright side of life? * * * Let’s start with the stock market: it’s doubled since March 9, 2009. So, if you’ve […]
. . . that Sargent Economy taught the people to feel . . . pain, very deep pain, of the economic variety, and different from what we, here in the U.S. and born after 1940, had ever directly felt before. Here is a reminder of what awaited us as we opened […]