We now return to our normally scheduled program . . . * * * The election of 2012 is over and at least day-and-a-half-after debriefed. My how things have changed. Looking back we see how: Twelve years ago we, as a nation, made decisions which, when aggregated, were […]
So, say you have a big negative number, such as, oh, I dunno, a negative 1 trillion, and say that that number measures something. And say that you measure that thing a year later and it now measures out at a negative 900 billion. Is that second number smaller or […]
After yesterday’s post on violence, and a friend’s comment about it, how about we now feast on something compelling and uplifting? Yes: how about something more on the bright side of life? * * * Let’s start with the stock market: it’s doubled since March 9, 2009. So, if you’ve […]
Lots and lots of people have a devil in their financial lives. This particular devil comes, not in a blue dress, but in pure, unadulterated numeric form, and is always in the double digits. For many of these bedeviled people, if somehow that double-digit-devil number were to miraculously change into […]