Category: What’s Important About Money

When a Vig Equals Ownership: The Forever-Cost of a 401k Plan

Wall Street — by which I mean the overall business behemoth that makes its money by holding investments of other people’s money and by trafficking in investments and money generally — is vigging all of us to death. I mean this pretty much literally, i.e., I mean that, from the […]

The Twitter IPO: Are We Partying Like It’s 1999?

Today, at roughly 9:45 a.m., I’m walking in Ess Eff Sea Eh on 2nd Street at Mission, heading towards Market, and my cool-car detector fires off, as I see a red Ferrari convertible going through the intersection, headed towards 1st Street. This is the car:   That’s it, right down […]

The First Week of January Test, 2013 Version

So how does it feel? How does it feel to be back in the saddle after the holidays? You can think of the way in which this first Monday of the working year hits you as being akin to what happens at the Large Haldron Collider when particles racing close to […]

Getting Smart About the Economy at Large: a Thank You to Paul Krugman

Many of us took Macro 101 somewhere along the way. That introductory macro course — macro being short for macroeconomics — looked at the very largest of economic phenomenon, such as money, interest rates, international competition, etc. Many of us also took Micro 101 — micro being short for microeconomics — which […]

The Is Have It

Or should I say the “I”s have it? The phrase Impact Investing is of relatively recent origin. Yesterday I attended an afternoon program about the Is (the eyes?) and learned all about how the older idea of SRI (socially responsible investing) has given way to II (not to be confused […]