Category: JF Self-Reflection

Financial Writing Does Not Have to Be Boring

A young person the other day mentioned to me in passing, as she almost-imperceptibly stuck a needle deep into the middle of my vein and began pulling a few vials of blood out of moi, all while simultaneously seeing a book peeping out from my brief case, that she liked […]

Everyone has a Financial Life

After some much needed time off, I’m back and, right off the bat, find myself wanting to write about something that came up during San Francisco’s Financial Planning Day, which happened on the 20th of last month (hello November! — it used to seem like you were a million miles […]

Eulogy for Edward G. Bernstein, the Fun-ster

At the end of a meeting with my doctor yesterday, and at the end of a meeting earlier today with a peer I’m getting to know, both said exactly the same phrase, and both said it with pretty much the same kind of this-isn’t-common-and-I-wish-it-were sort of tone in their voices. […]