Tag: Paul Ryan

The Simple Math: Hey, Baby Boomer, How Much Money Will You Need When You Retire?

Many of us baby boomers are lucky enough to have parents in their 80s and 90s. Many of those folks retired when they were in their 60s, which means that many of them have had 30-year-plus retirements. During this time many of those folks have had the pleasure, brought to […]

Does Our Favorite Uncle Have a Money-Out Issue or a Money-In Issue?

Dave Ramsey did another Neil Cavuto simulcast this a.m. — coupling his radio show with Cavuto’s TV show on Fox News. Dave and Neil talked about how Paul Ryan understands that we, as a country, have to cut spending. When your kid wants a new puppy and you don’t have […]

The Numb of the Moment: Slowed Growth vs. Stolen Money

Ahhh . . . I now vividly remember that, four years ago, I could not but help myself from reading a lot of politics, pretty much every day — just like how, ever since the Ryan VP pick bubbled up on the Twitter-machine last Saturday night, I’ve found myself pulled […]