Archive for September, 2012

Space Shuttles and Scarcity: It Takes a Willing Country

The Bay Area just wonk bonkers watching the Space Shuttle Endeavor, as it flew over, low, atop a modified 747, on its way to its final resting place in Southern California. We don’t build those things any more. Or fly them into low outer space. I think that’s a shame […]

Today’s Phishing Report: Knowing the All-Important Hover Function

Janie Clark and Stacey Cook write to tell me that my HDTV order has shipped. But — oh no! — they went and shipped my HDTV (I want my HDTV!) to the wrong addresses (499 S paolo St, Appartments [sic] 5B ,S Maria, DC [sic]/ United States and 259 11th Dr […]

The Difference Between Business-People and Financiers

Recently we’ve been exposed to a great example of the difference between business-people and financiers, in the guise of a clearly successful financier asserting, quite a bit more broadly, that he was a clearly successful business-person. I speak, of course, of Mitt Romney, private equity hero, repeatedly asserting that he […]

Yesterday Percentages Ruled

Yesterday the Boss of the Fabric of the Universe called together all the mathematical concepts, had them line up in a row, and asked, who wants to have a big day?, at which point all the mathematical concepts (who, to a concept, like to have their days maintain a steady […]

September the 15th: It was Four Years Ago Today . . .

. . . that Sargent Economy taught the people to feel . . . pain, very deep pain, of the economic variety, and different from what we, here in the U.S. and born after 1940, had ever directly felt before. Here is a reminder of what awaited us as we opened […]

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