Time and time again I read that the Internet loves Top 10 lists. So in the interests of having more lovable things in the world, here ya go: Top 10 Determinants of Your Current Overall Numeric Financial Health 1. Your Money-Out has always been considerably less than your Money-In. 2. […]
Imagine that you live in a world with three people: a farmer, a tool builder, and a tailor. Got it? So the farmer grows the food all of ’em eat, the tool builder builds the tools all of ’em use, and the tailor makes the clothes all of ’em put […]
I’ve often said that your savings rate is the primary numeric fact underlying your overall financial health. See here, here, here and here, to just link a few. In the next breath, though, I usually have to add that, quite unfortunately, many of us are quite rotten at saving money, while just […]
I don’t often do rants (or do I?). Today, though, I’ve a bit of a rant to share. The things we do in the name of writing about improved financial health! * * * Most people know Franz Kafka as the fellow who wrote the story about the traveling salesman […]
Sometimes we use a combination of two words together frequently enough throughout our everyday language that the two essentially become one; we cease to hear the two words as words on their own, and instead hear the two words as a single amalgamated word. It’s a case of near portmanteau-hood. When […]