I just caught the tail end of a Dave Ramsey segment (he of AM radio financial advice call-in show) during which Dave, hater of all things debt, recommended that a son tell his 80-something year old parents to surrender a life insurance policy that had a death benefit of $150k […]
One of the central roles of a financial planner is that of being a guide — of helping clients find and then take their own unique, and hopefully best and brightest, path through the external financial world out there. We are, after all, all of us forever in its force […]
This edition of Friedman’s Law of the First Thing is about living trusts — what are they, what are they good for (absolutely somethin’) and what are they not good for? * * * In a weird way, Dave Ramsey is my muse — I hear him say something on […]
My first boss (from back in my lawyering days) early on told me that growth sucks cash, by which he meant, if a client decides to grow a company, you had better tell the client that s/he client had better be prepared to spend some serious money. My boss’s phrase […]
Here I am, doing Top 10 lists this week, and in my morning reading I come across this in the Washington Post: Group releases list of 90 medical ‘don’ts’ Don’t use feeding tubes in patients with advanced dementia. Don’t use drugs to aggressively treat diabetes in those older than 65. […]