The number-crunchers won last night (and so, by and large, did the Dems). Nate Silver, the grand poobah of the number-crunchers, and therefore the chief focus of vitriol from those who did not like the trends the numbers since about mid-October had been showing, turned out to be right, and his […]
Those who read my stuff know that I have a soft spot for numbers, and that I regret having not done more math in school. The same is true for science, except my science education stopped at the end of my high school career rather than barely into it. So […]
Ahhh . . . I now vividly remember that, four years ago, I could not but help myself from reading a lot of politics, pretty much every day — just like how, ever since the Ryan VP pick bubbled up on the Twitter-machine last Saturday night, I’ve found myself pulled […]
This piece is about how to make smart decisions when lending your support to a charity. To get there, we’ll use as a jumping off point the story, much in the news the past ten days, of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® charity no-go’ing, and then un-no-go’ing, its […]
Can you imagine what it would be like to support yourself by stealing money? Most people cannot. Some companies can. If you ever buy movie tickets online via Fandango — beware! Because within Fandango’s online presence there lives a business — apparently separate from Fandango — which, as best I […]