People often talk about how there are two types of some something-or-others in this ol’ world of ours. For instance, you often hear that there are only two types of people in this world, after which you hear what those two types are, e.g., givers and takers, or moochers and […]
We start with this: <> Do you know what that means? If not, then please allow me to take you back to yesteryear, and to little-you sitting in your little chair in arithmetic class, so that I can re-introduce you to your dear old friends, […]
Seth MacFarlane made a lot of jokes last night during the Oscars that had a lot of people talking. The consensus emerging among the talkers not pleased with Mr. MacFarlane’s banter was that, yes, he was juvenile but, above all, very sexist, in that the world in which his jokes […]
My first boss (from back in my lawyering days) early on told me that growth sucks cash, by which he meant, if a client decides to grow a company, you had better tell the client that s/he client had better be prepared to spend some serious money. My boss’s phrase […]
I talk about human nature a lot in here. I must, because, if your goal is to help people improve their overall financial health — as mine is — then your route lies through at least one human being, and that human being is chock-full of human nature. Most often […]