Category: Fun with Numbers

A Scale-Tale: How Big is a Business with 400 Employees?

I am a student of scale — a collector of scale-tales. It all began decades ago with the wonderful book The Seven Mysteries of Life, by Guy Murchie, a life’s-work sort of undertaking for him, full of interesting notions interspersed with the author’s cute drawings and beginning with a chapter […]

Hey Baby Boomer: a Simple-Math Slight Reprise, with Happier Math this Time

It’s always with a bit of trepidation that I put into the general world out there a bunch of specific numbers about how much it takes to retire. Others apparently are not (see, e.g., Lee Eisenberg’s The Number and its ilk, though, if memory serves, Eisenberg teases more than steps on […]

The Simple Math: Hey, Baby Boomer, How Much Money Will You Need When You Retire?

Many of us baby boomers are lucky enough to have parents in their 80s and 90s. Many of those folks retired when they were in their 60s, which means that many of them have had 30-year-plus retirements. During this time many of those folks have had the pleasure, brought to […]

The Decades Leading up to Retirement: Where Should You Be?

Recently I’ve had several conversations with 30-somethings looking to me for help in improving their overall financial health. Happy feelings ensued. It’s every financial planners’ delight, I say to them, to see people your age smart enough to be getting into action on improving their overall financial health with the help of […]

Being Smart About Picture of Numbs — the Corporations-are-People-My-Friend Edition

Many years ago, during a client meeting, I learned anew that there are many kinds of intelligences — that any given person can possess high intelligence of one sort while simultaneously possessing low intelligence of another sort. Since then I’ve come to know in a much deeper way that, in the […]

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