We learn today that Hostess — maker of Twinkies and Hostess Cupcakes — is going to cease to exist. It will be no more. Michael Pollan cheers. So do I (though, given the nasty labor vs. capital fight that is going on here, I limit my cheer to the part […]
I like Tommy Lee Jones, the actor. He can play lunatic nuclear-bomb-thrower as well as wise-old self-sacrificing native American father-in-law hero and everything in between. He also plays cops a lot — good cops. And these days, as time changes his face, he can do a fantastic quiet melancholy without saying a word, […]
The number-crunchers won last night (and so, by and large, did the Dems). Nate Silver, the grand poobah of the number-crunchers, and therefore the chief focus of vitriol from those who did not like the trends the numbers since about mid-October had been showing, turned out to be right, and his […]
I was 11 when Sgt. Peppers came out. I had mumps. I also had my first good stereo (a passion which continues to this day). I listened to the album many, many times. I have vivid recollections. These days I listen to Sgt. Peppers only very rarely (partially because many […]
Now there’s something you don’t see everyday: a big public company accidentally releasing its quarterly earnings announcement before it was finalized and before the market closed, precipitating a 10% drop in the stock price and a halt of trading in its shares. Google fall down and go boom-boom-big today on […]