Or should I say the “I”s have it? The phrase Impact Investing is of relatively recent origin. Yesterday I attended an afternoon program about the Is (the eyes?) and learned all about how the older idea of SRI (socially responsible investing) has given way to II (not to be confused […]
Investing, I’ve been known to say, is not, for most people, the key to financial health — probably not even in the Top 5 determinants of financial health (briefly: Numero Uno is savings rate, Numero Dos is making-a-living happiness, Numero Tres is having a feeling of currently being in control, Numero Cuatro is […]
Recently we’ve been exposed to a great example of the difference between business-people and financiers, in the guise of a clearly successful financier asserting, quite a bit more broadly, that he was a clearly successful business-person. I speak, of course, of Mitt Romney, private equity hero, repeatedly asserting that he […]
Much has been made this week of Apple becoming the most valuable company in history (as long as you ignore inflation). One comparo really caught me eye, though, which is this pull-quote, which had lain entombed within a New Yorker-length article in Vanity Fair until Forbes was kind enough to pull out this pull-quote […]
According to someone out there with the need to calculate this number, “the volume-weighted average price of Facebook stock on May 18, 2012, between 1:50 pm and 2:35 pm” was $40.527. That was the day Facebook went public. That was also the day that the modern stock market had, by […]