Category: Investing

Foxes, Henhouses and SROs

Very few people have ever heard the abbreviation SRO, let alone know what it stands for or means. For those happy natives in SFCA who read, the letters mostly conjure up Single Room Occupancy, as in SRO Hotels, which are hotels that serve as residences for people without a lot […]

How long can the market stay long-term flat?

Nicely ensconced atop the hubbub, sitting within the quite and privately-owned public space known as the Galleria Roof Garden, I once had a money manager say to me, we don’t have enough data.   What he meant by that is that one hundred some-odd years of data about what happens inside […]

The Wholly-Terrifying Risk of Non-Diversifiable Assets

Most of the ways in which we store money are diversifiable. For example, if you store some money in the stock market, you can own a bunch of different stocks. And these days you can even own a single investment which represents, to a very close level of approximation, proportionate […]

The Life-Simplifying Beauty of Never-Need-to-Sell Investments

Most everyone wants less complexity in their lives. Modern life, the thinking goes, is crazy-hectic, and there is never enough time to do things, so anything that adds to the crazy-hectic that isn’t also great fun or otherwise rewarding must be jettisoned, and jettisoned as soon as possible. As a […]

The Uncertainty Principle, Applied to One Aspect of Financial Health

Following on the heels of yesterday’s post about the imagery of portfolio planning, today’s post is about some other language I’ve been using, with varying degrees of success. Today, then, we leave behind the simple world of airplanes that definitely fly, and charge into the world of quantum mechanics generally, […]

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