Much has been written in the past week about the value of Apple, as a company, now exceeding the value of Microsoft as a company. The more jargony way of saying this is that that AAPL’s market capitalization (often trun cated down tomarket cap) exceeds MSFT’s market capitalization. In fact, […]
Popular investing talk these days is that the period from March 9, 2009 (the low of the market during the meltdown) through, say, mid-May, was the fastest/biggest up-move in the stock market ever. Or at least since The Depression. Or something like that. I haven’t researched the truth of that […]
Today I awake to a report that growth of the GDP last quarter was anemic, at a 1.1% annual rate (3% to 5% is usually considered Goldilocksian just right, in the sense that too much growth can generate wicked inflation, and too little growth can feed on itself to generate […]
I’ve been meaning to take a break from writing this blog, to get back to my knitting, as they say, and was well on my way to doing that today, until I read a story about 10 top-rated internet stocks [as of checking the former link to the article on […]
Today I have something short and purely educational for you. Interest rates are in the news today. Greenspan et al. are meeting, and there is unanimous agreement among the punditocracy that he will raise short term interest rates (the only interest rates over which he has much power) by 0.25%. […]