Category: Politics

Five Thankings

Some thinkings on thankings:   1. Politics. I’m grateful that the election came out the way it did, with pretty much every close call going the Dems’ way (yesterday Allen West began what I hope is his soldier’y fade-away, and may it please be quick). To look at just a […]

The So-Called, So-Called Fiscal Cliff, Again, but this Time with Feeling and with an Emphasis on Negotiation Tactics

A friend asks, “John — What do you have to say about the fiscal cliff?” I’ve had quite a bit to say about the so-called so-called fiscal cliff (yes: that’s an intentional double-up on the so-called phrase, because these days, more often than not, when you see the FC phrase it’s either […]

Post-Election Financial Health Takeaways

Elections have consequences — sometimes quickly and obviously, sometimes over the long-run, and sometimes not so much. Last week’s election stands a good chance of being consequential. It stands a good chance of being quickly and obviously consequential due to the oncoming rush of the fiscal cliff. And it has […]

Tax Rates and the Fiscal Cliff (a/k/a the ALLEL-GBTD-HSS-2001)

We now return to our normally scheduled program . . . *  *  * The election of 2012 is over and at least day-and-a-half-after debriefed. My how things have changed. Looking back we see how:      Twelve years ago we, as a nation, made decisions which, when aggregated, were […]

Big Machines

Twenty years ago, at the dawning of the commercialization of the Internet, someone described the POTS (the Plain Ol’ Telephone System) as the biggest machine ever made. It spanned the globe. It reached into virtually every home and business in the developed world. And it was all one — it was all […]

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