Category: Politics

Some Words About the Election, and About U.S. Economic Performance Under the Two Parties

Every single component of a person’s life has a financial component to it. Now, I’m not saying that this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I *am* saying that, in the world in which we live, this is a true statement (see the video of me talking about this further). For […]

What Does It Mean When Big Negative Numbers Get Smaller?

So, say you have a big negative number, such as, oh, I dunno, a negative 1 trillion, and say that that number measures something. And say that you measure that thing a year later and it now measures out at a negative 900 billion. Is that second number smaller or […]

Interesting Number Sets Constantly Coming Out for the Next Six Weeks, and How to Use ‘Em

Ralph Fielding is the guy who took the ever-lovin’ math right outta me. Ralph was my math teacher in 1970-something, when I was a freshman in high school. It might have been Geometry — I don’t remember the exact topic. What I *do* remember is that Ralph had an odd mouth and […]

The Difference Between Business-People and Financiers

Recently we’ve been exposed to a great example of the difference between business-people and financiers, in the guise of a clearly successful financier asserting, quite a bit more broadly, that he was a clearly successful business-person. I speak, of course, of Mitt Romney, private equity hero, repeatedly asserting that he […]

Does Our Favorite Uncle Have a Money-Out Issue or a Money-In Issue?

Dave Ramsey did another Neil Cavuto simulcast this a.m. — coupling his radio show with Cavuto’s TV show on Fox News. Dave and Neil talked about how Paul Ryan understands that we, as a country, have to cut spending. When your kid wants a new puppy and you don’t have […]

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