Dark and early this morning, before even mentioning his favorite and seemingly ever-present traffic jam on the Sunol Grade, long-time KQED traffic guy Joe McConnell said it nice ‘n blunt: It’s back to the grind for most of us today. It’s a common enough phrase, but hearing it […]
Never turn down free money, you hear people sometimes say, right? And if free money were a more common thing, why, then you’d hear it said a whole lot more, but it ain’t (because, you know, TANSTAAFL and if-it-looks-too-good-to-be-true and such) so you don’t. But free money does in fact […]
I am fortunate to live in Noe Valley, San Francisco, California, USA, North America, Earth. I am doubly fortunate to have bought a house in En-Vee Ess-Eff See-Eh in 1996 (though admittedly the downside of this time scaling is that it puts me well into the second half — final […]
Looking at a couple of statements from your day-to-day checking account, I tell new clients in our first working meeting, is like looking at the lab results your doctor orders when you have a physical. Staring out from those pieces of paper [pdf files] are a bunch of numbers that […]
Tom Friedman died at 3:43 p.m. today, Central Time. A bit later Nurse Ellen said, “See, I told ya. He waited until all four of you were here. It was his last act of love.” * * * We have, all of us, embedded deep within our biological self, a […]