Most of us don’t-learn about money the same way we don’t-learn about the birds and the bees: from our parents. Yup, it’s sad but true that most of our parents never taught us nothin’ ’bout sex and never taught us nothin’ ’bout no money (though some of them were big […]
Every once in a while you hear yourself say something to someone, and then, inside your head, you immediately hear yourself saying to yourself, Never again: I must figure out a way to be able to never say that again. Years ago that happened to me when I worked at […]
When it comes to conveying information in excellent ways, the big-cheese is Edward Tufte. Most of us have never read (or viewed) his work because Tufte’s skill at presenting information has not, perhaps, carried over into his business acumen in the Internet age, as, from a quick look today, it […]
Here I am, doing Top 10 lists this week, and in my morning reading I come across this in the Washington Post: Group releases list of 90 medical ‘don’ts’ Don’t use feeding tubes in patients with advanced dementia. Don’t use drugs to aggressively treat diabetes in those older than 65. […]
Time and time again I read that the Internet loves Top 10 lists. So in the interests of having more lovable things in the world, here ya go: Top 10 Determinants of Your Current Overall Numeric Financial Health 1. Your Money-Out has always been considerably less than your Money-In. 2. […]