So how does it feel? How does it feel to be back in the saddle after the holidays? You can think of the way in which this first Monday of the working year hits you as being akin to what happens at the Large Haldron Collider when particles racing close to […]
I talk about human nature a lot in here. I must, because, if your goal is to help people improve their overall financial health — as mine is — then your route lies through at least one human being, and that human being is chock-full of human nature. Most often […]
The number-crunchers won last night (and so, by and large, did the Dems). Nate Silver, the grand poobah of the number-crunchers, and therefore the chief focus of vitriol from those who did not like the trends the numbers since about mid-October had been showing, turned out to be right, and his […]
Or should I say the “I”s have it? The phrase Impact Investing is of relatively recent origin. Yesterday I attended an afternoon program about the Is (the eyes?) and learned all about how the older idea of SRI (socially responsible investing) has given way to II (not to be confused […]
From high school math to college science we go . . . I was a psych major. That had more to do with the teachers in the psych department than the psych topic itself (one great professor could make your entire college stay a good one, especially at a small […]