Category: The Financial World Out There

Embracing Change: Will You Jump, or Do You Need to Be Pushed?

Richard Thompson, guitar hero to many (me not so much) and all around very-much-a-Brit sort of fella, along with his lovely-voiced then-wife Linda, on their seminal getting-divorced album called Shoot Out the Lights, did a song called Did She Jump or was She Pushed? Far more of a music guy […]

Paying for Financial Services: The Hidden Balls, the Magician’s Hands, and the Dollars Effortlessly Eased Away from You

I get a lot of value from listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio. His politics are about as far removed from mine as possible, and I often disagree with what he says, but he often serves up a lot of food for thought, which, on a good day, can […]

Friedman’s Law of the First Thing: Macroeconomics and The Sequester

Imagine that you live in a world with three people: a farmer, a tool builder, and a tailor. Got it? So the farmer grows the food all of ’em eat, the tool builder builds the tools all of ’em use, and the tailor makes the clothes all of ’em put […]

Being Smart About Picture of Numbs — the Corporations-are-People-My-Friend Edition

Many years ago, during a client meeting, I learned anew that there are many kinds of intelligences — that any given person can possess high intelligence of one sort while simultaneously possessing low intelligence of another sort. Since then I’ve come to know in a much deeper way that, in the […]

Getting Smart About the Economy at Large: a Thank You to Paul Krugman

Many of us took Macro 101 somewhere along the way. That introductory macro course — macro being short for macroeconomics — looked at the very largest of economic phenomenon, such as money, interest rates, international competition, etc. Many of us also took Micro 101 — micro being short for microeconomics — which […]

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