We now return to our normally scheduled program . . . * * * The election of 2012 is over and at least day-and-a-half-after debriefed. My how things have changed. Looking back we see how: Twelve years ago we, as a nation, made decisions which, when aggregated, were […]
The number-crunchers won last night (and so, by and large, did the Dems). Nate Silver, the grand poobah of the number-crunchers, and therefore the chief focus of vitriol from those who did not like the trends the numbers since about mid-October had been showing, turned out to be right, and his […]
Every single component of a person’s life has a financial component to it. Now, I’m not saying that this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I *am* saying that, in the world in which we live, this is a true statement (see the video of me talking about this further). For […]
I was 11 when Sgt. Peppers came out. I had mumps. I also had my first good stereo (a passion which continues to this day). I listened to the album many, many times. I have vivid recollections. These days I listen to Sgt. Peppers only very rarely (partially because many […]
So, say you have a big negative number, such as, oh, I dunno, a negative 1 trillion, and say that that number measures something. And say that you measure that thing a year later and it now measures out at a negative 900 billion. Is that second number smaller or […]