Category: The Financial World Out There

On the Rarified Fringe of the Financial Media Trail with Blodget and EPI

In the great unraveling of the Internet bubble in the year 2000, the rise and fall of Henry Blodget was among the biggest, gossipy’est, schedenfreude’iest stories of all. In 2003, under allegations of publicly touting the very same high-flying Internet stocks that he was simultaneously selling for his own account, […]

Does Our Favorite Uncle Have a Money-Out Issue or a Money-In Issue?

Dave Ramsey did another Neil Cavuto simulcast this a.m. — coupling his radio show with Cavuto’s TV show on Fox News. Dave and Neil talked about how Paul Ryan understands that we, as a country, have to cut spending. When your kid wants a new puppy and you don’t have […]

Life in the Little City and Papa John’s Couple’a Dimes

I’ve lived in SFCA for a long time. And during that time I’ve grown totally accustomed to seeing all sorts of people out and about who, all things being equal, really ought to be getting help somewhere other than in the general environs of public space. Call them what you […]

Today’s Jobs Numbs: Can We Handle the Nuance?

On the first Friday of every month, at 8:30 am East Coast Time, the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a bunch of numbers — no, let’s call that a trove of numbers —  about employment during the previous month. That bunch of numbers, via media echo-chamber, gets winnowed down to […]

Foxes, Henhouses and SROs

Very few people have ever heard the abbreviation SRO, let alone know what it stands for or means. For those happy natives in SFCA who read, the letters mostly conjure up Single Room Occupancy, as in SRO Hotels, which are hotels that serve as residences for people without a lot […]

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