Five years on, all of us remember back. For me it is the sound of the sadly-NPR-departed Bob Edwards wafting up through my pillow speaker (a piece of technology that has vastly improved my marriage) saying in a very calm voice and not, apparently, as part of a breaking-in-to-tell-you-some-breaking-news sort […]
Today brings another report of an inflation number that appears to be high, but which, we are then told, is not high. So today we hear that April’s Producer Price Index (the PPI ) came in at 0.9% overall, but only 0.1% at the core. The difference, the standard lingo […]
Right now there is essentially universal agreement that interest rates are going up. And this prediction holds for long-term interest rates as well as for the typically far-more-predictable short-term interest rates. Do you know why short-term rates are typically more predictable than long-term rates? It’s because those are the rates […]