Category: The Ways of the World

Friedman’s Law of Triangular Relationships

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the odds of a commercial relationship involving three or more parties going off the rails are far higher than commercial relationhips involving two parties. There’s a reason for this. Say that three parties, called A, B and C, are working together […]

The Problem with Trying to Predict the Future: Whooz t’ Know?

Today I awake to a report that growth of the GDP last quarter was anemic, at a 1.1% annual rate (3% to 5% is usually considered Goldilocksian just right, in the sense that too much growth can generate wicked inflation, and too little growth can feed on itself to generate […]

Informed consent

I am embarrassed to say that, after a long day, I often vedge out in front of the tube. Yes, I often read and do other things, but, yes again, sometimes I just sit there, like a drooling, blathering idiot and do nothing but . . . nothing. So last […]

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