As a financial planner, I’ve seen many a 401k plan in my day, and I’m here to tell you that the vast majority of them are not pretty, while some are even downright ugly. Admittedly, that’s a mighty broad brush full of awfully harsh words, and I’d surely prefer to […]
Wall Street — by which I mean the overall business behemoth that makes its money by holding investments of other people’s money and by trafficking in investments and money generally — is vigging all of us to death. I mean this pretty much literally, i.e., I mean that, from the […]
Many of us baby boomers are lucky enough to have parents in their 80s and 90s. Many of those folks retired when they were in their 60s, which means that many of them have had 30-year-plus retirements. During this time many of those folks have had the pleasure, brought to […]
During the 12/12/12 concert a few nights ago I was double-screening — with the big screen tuned to one of the many networks showing the event and the little screen tuned into my own little slice of the Twitterverse. It’s always interesting to see non-music folks commenting on music. One […]