Tag: AUM fees

Language-Fail in the Land of Financial Planners

Did you know that there is a big difference between a fee-only financial planner and a fee-based financial planner — that this simple, single-word swap of the word only for the word based means a great deal in the land of FPers? No? Well, you can read all about it on the Internets Tubes via the […]

It was 25 Years Ago Today

I was 11 when Sgt. Peppers came out. I had mumps. I also had my first good stereo (a passion which continues to this day). I listened to the album many, many times. I have vivid recollections. These days I listen to Sgt. Peppers only very rarely (partially because many […]

Magical Dollars

Dollars are fungible. They really are — kinda. When most people hear that phrase, though, their only response is to say, “what’s fungible mean.” Lawyers learn the word in lawschool, and a few others learn it in their work. But just about no one learns it as part of their […]

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