It’s been 90 days since I first heard Rush Limbaugh come out of my radio where once Dave Ramsey had been. Pre-2014, I’d been doing here and there 15-minute Dave Ramsey listenings as a part of my morning twa-let, and can quite unequivocally state that, even though I often disagreed […]
How many people do you know who truly love their work? My hunch is that your answer to that question is, at most, something in the neighborhood of “oh, maybe a few.” And of those few, how many do you think would continue in their work if they had some […]
Looking at a couple of statements from your day-to-day checking account, I tell new clients in our first working meeting, is like looking at the lab results your doctor orders when you have a physical. Staring out from those pieces of paper [pdf files] are a bunch of numbers that […]
I admire Paul Krugman in lots of different ways. People think of Krugman above all as an economist and as a liberal. Those who don’t like one or both of those labels argue that he’s wrong about everything. I won’t take those folks on here, other than to say that, […]
Every once in a while you hear yourself say something to someone, and then, inside your head, you immediately hear yourself saying to yourself, Never again: I must figure out a way to be able to never say that again. Years ago that happened to me when I worked at […]