The country, and even some of the globe, waits expectantly for the presidential debate tonight. Afterwards, heads will talk, pundits will opine, spinmeisters will spin, and watercoolers everywhere will be privy to more political comment than usual. Can everything the presidential election is about be contained within 90 minutes followed […]
Or should I say the “I”s have it? The phrase Impact Investing is of relatively recent origin. Yesterday I attended an afternoon program about the Is (the eyes?) and learned all about how the older idea of SRI (socially responsible investing) has given way to II (not to be confused […]
Yesterday the Boss of the Fabric of the Universe called together all the mathematical concepts, had them line up in a row, and asked, who wants to have a big day?, at which point all the mathematical concepts (who, to a concept, like to have their days maintain a steady […]
Ahhh . . . I now vividly remember that, four years ago, I could not but help myself from reading a lot of politics, pretty much every day — just like how, ever since the Ryan VP pick bubbled up on the Twitter-machine last Saturday night, I’ve found myself pulled […]