Archive for September, 2012

On the Brighter Side of Things

After yesterday’s post on violence, and a friend’s comment about it, how about we now feast on something compelling and uplifting? Yes: how about something more on the bright side of life? *  *  * Let’s start with the stock market: it’s doubled since March 9, 2009. So, if you’ve […]


I’m initially going a bit off the financial-health reservation today, to write about something that’s been on my mind since Tuesday night. But fear not. The last few paragraphs of this piece bring it all on home to the ultimate financial reality each of us faces each and every day: […]

Predictably Powerful

From high school math to college science we go . . . I was a psych major. That had more to do with the teachers in the psych department than the psych topic itself (one great professor could make your entire college stay a good one, especially at a small […]

Interesting Number Sets Constantly Coming Out for the Next Six Weeks, and How to Use ‘Em

Ralph Fielding is the guy who took the ever-lovin’ math right outta me. Ralph was my math teacher in 1970-something, when I was a freshman in high school. It might have been Geometry — I don’t remember the exact topic. What I *do* remember is that Ralph had an odd mouth and […]

Friedman’s Law of the First Thing, as Applied to Investing: Market Caps

Investing, I’ve been known to say, is not, for most people, the key to financial health — probably not even in the Top 5 determinants of financial health (briefly: Numero Uno is savings rate, Numero Dos is making-a-living happiness, Numero Tres is having a feeling of currently being in control, Numero Cuatro is […]

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