We start with this: <> Do you know what that means? If not, then please allow me to take you back to yesteryear, and to little-you sitting in your little chair in arithmetic class, so that I can re-introduce you to your dear old friends, […]
A young person the other day mentioned to me in passing, as she almost-imperceptibly stuck a needle deep into the middle of my vein and began pulling a few vials of blood out of moi, all while simultaneously seeing a book peeping out from my brief case, that she liked […]
And so it begins. In March 2009 I grabbed @JFRQ, my first Twitter handle, and immediately posted the oh-so-neither-profound-nor-interesting tweet, “Just established myself on Twitter.” A few months after grabbing @JFRQ (did you know that the genesis of the entire JFRQ naming milieu rests on how it was always easy […]
Oops. Yesterday’s post went long. Lesson learned: explaining something that is a big mystery to most folks is hard to do (for me anyway) in a quick posting. How does Krugman do it? I’m keeping stats (remember the MBA’ism: that which is measured is controlled, and remember this Friedman’ism: that […]
I write long. Given my druthers, when I have an idea to write about I exhaust my thoughts on that idea — let them all pour forth. And then I usually go back and chunk that stream up enough to make it easier to read. And then, to wrap it […]