We all prefer being in control, don’t we? After all, it surely beats not being in control, doesn’t it (certain Shades of Grey personality types excepted . . . )? Why is it, then, that so many of us cede control of our email existences by choosing to rent rather […]
T’is the time of year when the financial media outlets — both lay and professional — are chock-full of stories about what 2014 will bring. Should you listen to them? I’ll start off with a blanket response to that question of nyet, and soften it only if you promise to […]
I am a student of scale — a collector of scale-tales. It all began decades ago with the wonderful book The Seven Mysteries of Life, by Guy Murchie, a life’s-work sort of undertaking for him, full of interesting notions interspersed with the author’s cute drawings and beginning with a chapter […]
Oodles of ’em. Oodles and oodles of ’em, even. There are oodles and oodles — and then some — of articles out there about how to find, interview and ultimately hire yourself a good financial planner or money manager. I can’t recall a single one of them, though, talking about […]
Now there’s something you don’t see everyday: a big public company accidentally releasing its quarterly earnings announcement before it was finalized and before the market closed, precipitating a 10% drop in the stock price and a halt of trading in its shares. Google fall down and go boom-boom-big today on […]